The Argentinian Pecan Growers Association was born 2004 as result of the initiative of 9 pecan growers and today has 108 members distributed in 6 states.
Pecan it is a particular crop and takes around 10-15 years to produce profitable quantities. While most members are in the early stages, there are farms many with good yields. CAAPecan is a non -profit organization whose main objective is assist its members to achieve maximum success.
The Comsortium is organized in three major areas:
The technical area suggests that the joint venturers have the tools to produce the highest quality pecan possible. Organize theorical and practical meetings on issues related to production, with participation of experts in each topic activities.
The goal of commercial area is to facilitat, without intervening in the individual activity of the partners, the commercial management of each in purchases of inputs by special agreements, taking steps against state agencies, etc.
The diffusion area seeks to increase the consumption of pecans in the country participating in exhibitions, sending articles to newspapers, institutes offering courses in gastronomy, etc. . The consortium have a website visitated 12000 per month ( ) and hosts the Annual Open Conference bringing a realistic approach of the activity.
Is well known by institutions such as INTA (Argentinia Agriculture Technology Institut) and universities with agricuktural specializations. Also by importans news media as La Nación, Clarín and Rural Channel.
President: Alejandro Peyrou
Vice-president: Pablo Nardone
Treasurer: Carlos Schulte
Members: Gustavo Simonutti
Leonardo Gimeno
Esteban Etchepare
Sergio Pages
Josefina Manfrin
Adolfo Castro Almeyra
Assistant: Belén Della Giustina